G.B. Rogeri Deluxe Upright Bass, $8,500
Our appoligies: Our G.B. Rogeri basses are now made in our
exclusive workshop (Romania). Please refer to the
Bass Cafe
After much anticipation, here is the our new Giovanni Battista
Rogeri (c.1690.) model, upright bass now being made in our exclusive
Romanian workshop. The bass is made exactly in step with the
Italian tradition of bass making. All hand made, hand planed,
using the best seasoned woods and workmanship.
The measurements of the G.B. Rogeri bass: upper bouts are 20
1/2, the inner "C" bouts 14 1/2", 26 1/4", length of back is 44
1/2". The string length is a very comfortable, 41 1/2".
A terrific bass! While it is marginally bigger, it still falls well
within the 3/4 size. (Most all regular 3/4 size covers easily fit on
this bass.)
See the Rogeri Videos!
(Because of the type of lighting and brightness used on the videos,
always refer to photos shown here for varnish texture and
color accuracy.)
Giovanni Battista Rogeri, (Romania, 2020)
Italian double bass sound and workmanship
How they sound: Because of the slight bolder, deeper
body, the sound has a depth to it like no other bass in the world!
For a deep projecting sound, this is by far one of the best models
to use.
The construction: The GB Rogeri bass is by far one of
the best made, constructed basses. The bass has an integrity of
workmanship and care that it unparrelled. No short cuts here!
Inside, nice linings, and workmanship one will find on the same
(older) original Rogeri basses. These new basses have
beautifully carved backs (otherwise known as "round" backs.)
We always think this is better in the long run as new flat backs
tend to be too sensitive to climate change. The round backs,
offer more depth to the sound, and at the same time, (for
practicality, are more elastic). Meaning, the bass is able to move
in and out more with the seasonal changes every year. (Read
our Upright bass round vs flat back
page.) While the bass has broader shoulders, they are
still sloped enough to offer easy access to upper registers.
Why copy an Italian, Rogeri bass? A lot of old Italian basses are
big and too bulky for the average player, but Rogeri was known for
making smaller instruments than the norm and his basses worked:
They sounded great, were easy to play and are stunningly beautiful
basses. Rogeri, who lived and worked in Cremona, (same as Amati and
Strad), helped "fuse" the the Brescian style of bass making into the
newer more perfected, Cremonese style in his double basses.
Expert workmanship and quality. The woods used: highly regarded
Bosnian spruce for the top, Carpathian maple
The tuners are an Italian, heavy brass style mounted on the side
of the scroll (recessed into the scroll 'cheeks') Why do this?
Because this looks the cleanest, and shows the beauty of the scroll
and wood. Of course this requires skill and patience, but
again shows a deep commitment to excellence.
Standard checklist and accessories for G.B.
Rogeri upright bass:
- seasoned, traditional woods of Carpathian maple for sides and
back. Bosnian spruce for the top.
- expert workmanship, all by hand and in the European style
trained tradition
- French imported bass bridge with Delrin adjusters
- Choice of any high quality
bass strings that we carry
Deluxe bass cover, Mooradian or the new Tuff-Bag Deluxe
- German made, highest quality, Baker style tuners
- hand applied (and rubbed) oil varnish with beautiful patina
as shown
- high quality, dense ebony fingerboards imported from Germany
- our world renowned playing setup (per customer's individual
- Our same as always, excellent (all inclusive)
new bass, 3 year warranty
- Same special trial period that goes with ALL of our basses
sold at the String Emporium. (No penalty for return and no
re-stocking fee)
We guarantee our excellence and quality. There has been
some confusion about trying a bass: It can take a while to get
a feel for and get comfortable for any new instrument. We are
happy and expect to send our basses out on a week's trial. First, we
never send any of our carved basses in a box! We send them out
in the specially designed bass
flight case so that the bass not only arrives in perfect playing
order, if for any reason, it can be easily returned safely, the same
way it arrived. If the bass is purchased, we arrange to
quickly and easily return the empty case. It's a super easy,
no pressured way to try a bass! To read more about
trying an upright bass, we have more information on that
particular page.
For additional details please
email us or call. |