Buy a Student Cello
These days, buying a new student cello doesn't have to break the
bank and put the college savings on hold! You can get a great cello,
with superior materials and workmanship that will rival some of the
most expensive cellos on the market today. Because of the serious
interest in classical music in China today, many up and coming
Chinese luthiers (violin makers) are now showing the world just how
magnificent and qualified their history of craftsmanship is.
For under $3,500 the new Emile Gillet cellos
are able to compete against the more famous, older European
instruments of yesteryear and only cost a mere fraction of what a an
older, (inferior sounding) instrument will cost. A cello student,
(some looking for their first 4/4 sized cello) aged as young as 10
and up, can buy a really fine cello and for the money get more bang
(per note) on the Chinese cello than any other. This very same
cello, they can keep and enjoy, the rest of their adult lives.
College music? You bet!
For parents, it can be a little frustrating because they are not
used to looking at hand-made, musical instruments and just don't
know what to look for! They all look the same!!! For one, this is
where the teachers can really come in handy. You (and your young
student) may really love the cello that you're auditioning. Take it
to the teacher. They will not only listen and play it, they will
know how to look at the small intricate details of what almost
everyone (even the shop owners) can miss!
Will it have a warranty and will it cover cracking or any other
kinds of possible problems that can happen to a cello? This is
important as the repairs can be astronomical (and you thought auto
repair was expensive!!!)
Buy a great cello for you or your student daughter or son! Make
sure you know what you're buying though. Again, it needs quality
materials, (including high caliber strings), a professional setup,
quality details and then this cello can be a good part of your life
well into college and beyond. If you would like to
audition one of our unique cellos, email us here or have some
more questions. Feel free to call us any time.