Spirocore Bass Strings on Sale, $219.50
bass strings are still by and large, the upright bass strings of
choice for most jazz bass players. They have a stiffer core
than usual, and offer more sustain (and 'growl'). While
Spirocore upright bass strings are still sometimes used for
classical bass players, they tend to primarily only use the E
string. The E will have more punch and 'speak' easier then the usual
E strings that come with more classical oriented sets (like the
Pirastro Flexocor series.) For bowing though, they tend
to be too bright to use as a whole set, at least in a total
orchestral bass setting. Some upright basses (the rare, super
dark toned) can tolerate them, but still not the bowing string of
Buy Spirocore upright bass strings
We still offer the cheapest prices on all of our
upright bass strings, especially the Thomastik Sprirocore
brand. How often do you need to change your strings?
This really depends on the amount of playing done (hours added up),
the bass and the tastes of the upright bass player. Some
players really like brand new strings, and others like newer
strings, but only after they've played in a bit (2-3 weeks.)
It really depends on the bass as well. Some basses that tend
to sound super bright (and don't need any help in that department)
and will sound best after the strings are played for a few weeks.
Some players will purchase strings in advance of any significant
recording so that the strings will not sound too "raw" the day of
the recording.
Identifying the Sprircore bass strings
The most popular used Spirocores, are the S42 (Orchestra
gauge). They have a bright red winding near the tailpiece AND the
same color winding on the ends of the string. The Light Gauge,
(Weich) has the same color red on the tailpiece end, but in the
scroll a light purple winding. The solo Spirocores,
S43 (red on the
bottom and yellow in the scroll end winding.)
heavy gauged Spirocores are S42ST and are red on the bottom and
green in the scroll end. Same set, but with the low C extension string included:
We also have Thomastik Belcanto bass strings on sale now