Belcanto Double Bass Strings, on Sale $283.00
Belcanto upright double bass strings are by far the most popular
arco (orchestra) bass string brand in the world. Here we offer orchestra mediums, with a regular E string or one
with the longer C extension string. Also, we offer Solo
Belcantos, but only sets without the extension C (as they do not
make a solo gauge C extension.)

- $283 for regular orchestra or solo gauge
- $299 for orchestra gauge set, with a C extension
Buy Belcanto upright bass strings, $283-299.00
We still offer the cheapest prices on all of our
upright bass strings, especially the Thomastik Belcanto brand.
The special price here with FREE shipping is per set only. You
can always pick and choose other strings that we offer here, just
not at this special price.