Andrew McGill, Bass bows
Andrew McGill resides in Little Bourton, Banbury, England
and is a well know bow maker with extensive experience in fine, bass
bows. This bow, is the first that we have from him and it is a
beautiful stick. Well made actually, in fact, it' is perfect
in all ways. It has a nice even feel throughout and just feels
good when you play on it because of the nice balance it has.
It is a medium weight bow, at 138 grams. It is about the same
weight and feel as Reid Hudson's Bottesini model bow: 26 1/"
long (not counting the adjuster) and with the playing hair length
about 21 1/8" Both bows, (the R. Hudson and Andrew McGill)
would be great to try together. Either way, you couldn't lose.
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Because of demand, our stock can fluctuate with sales and
re-stocking. We always try to have at least one model of each
bow on hand. For additional information feel free to
us or call, 800-600-2689.